October 11, 2008

Our FIRST visitor!

That’s right, Cary arrived this past Wednesday and will be staying with us until next Thursday. Cary is a friend of ours from the States and it has been a pleasure to have him with us. We’ve been showing him around the city a bit as well as our day-to-day life. There really is so much history here and so it’s cool to drive him like 15 minutes and say “oh, this amazing building, yeah I think it’s like 1,000 years old”, it’s best if you can say it matter of factly. Also, “Oh, our city, yeah it was the first capital of China, no big deal” or “Terracotta Warriors, have you heard of them? Yeah, they’re that way, next to that McDonalds”. Today Cary went to visit the Old City; there you can see the Old City Wall, Bell Tower and Drum Tower. Besides seeing our backyard, Cary also went shopping a bit for some souvenirs. There is some great stuff that you can get here (if you ever want to visit us). Cary got a decorative set of chopsticks, a scroll written in Chinese to put on his office wall, and a really nice Mah Jong game made of ivory (or bone) and bamboo. Tomorrow he’s going to see the Terracotta Warriors, and next week he will go see the Big Goose Pagoda. Well that’s it for now, sorry I’ve been kinda slacking lately on the blog action, but in the next couple of days I will write about our trip to the Big Goose Pagoda with the Xia’s (and I will attach some pictures), so make sure you check in to see them.

Gorged with joy,
Matt, Heather, Sydney and little Aubrey