October 18, 2008

Goodbye and Happy Birthday

Yesterday we said goodbye to Cary as he headed back to the States. It was a great week having him here and he was a great first guest (but hopefully not the last!). I mentioned a lot of what we did in our last post. It was a full week and we were sad to see him go. What I didn’t mention is that when Cary and I went to the Pagoda a friend told me we could get there by taking the #30 bus. When I asked which stop to get on, he told me, but I assumed I already knew the answer and totally zoned out (I know, I know, I know, I’m a horrible person). As we approached the bus stop (and I use this one a lot, so it’s kind of habit) we boarded the #30 bus going south. We rode the bus for 10 minutes when we got to a stop and then the driver motions to us to get off the bus… It was the last stop. I realized I grabbed the bus on the wrong side of the road, I needed to get the North bound bus… uhhh, so we walked for 10 minutes and grabbed the #30 again, this time going the right way, and not before my pride was damaged.

Aubrey sits!!! Yesterday was the first day that Aubrey sat on her own. Normally we sit her up and without something next to her she will fall over. Last night though I sat her up on the bed and without helping her I let her sit there for a couple of minutes. She just sat there without falling over or needing help. She’s growing up so fast, this will definitely help with her interview at KFC next week! (That’s a joke)

Today, a couple friends of ours are having their birthday parties. Noah turns 23 today and tonight we are going out to eat with him and some friends to a Korean Barbecue, then afterwards we will come back to our apartment for some desert. It should be a great time, and since Noah is a good friend to our family, we are glad to celebrate with him. Also, our other friend (and Sydney’s best friend) Joshua is celebrating his 3rd birthday tomorrow (Saturday) morning (his birthday is also today). A couple of birthday’s and they should be tons of fun.

Stories from Sydney. So the other day Heather was lying in bed and Sydney kept asking if she could use some lotion (Sydney is so girly). And so Heather would put a dab of lotion in her hands and then Sydney would rub it on Heather’s feet (talk about the good life!). Anyways, after a few times of doing this Heather informs Sydney that this was going to be the last time to use the lotion. As Sydney went to apply the last of the lotion to Heather’s feet, Heather quickly slid the lotion bottle behind the pillow to hide it from Sydney. When Sydney walked back to Heather, she suddenly got this confused look on her face, as she frantically searched around the bed for the lotion bottle. Realizing she had been deceived she got a devilish grin on her face and looked at Heather and said “Where’d you put it?” She is so cute!

Also, (and I hope I didn’t already post this) but the other week Sydney was jumping up and down on the couch. As she did this she threw a toy that was in her hands and it hit the big plant in our living room and landed behind it in the corner of the room. Realizing what had happened Sydney yelled “Oppssie Daisies!”

with love,
matt, heather, sydney and little aubrey

"Sydney getting her way"

"Seriously this is a typical day, our family surrounded by Chinese people"

"Me, Aubrey and our buddy Xia Tian"

"The Xia's and their American daughter, Aubrey"

"Heather and Sydney next to the fountain"

"Sydney playing with a butterfly"

"Our precious daughter in front of the Big Goose Pagoda"

"Why so serious Aubrey? Nervous about the KFC job?"

"Me laughing with some friends over a meal"