February 16, 2014

Adoption Update

Sorry for the long delay in updating you guys!

We've been raising money for a little over a month. So far we've raised nearly $6,000 towards our adoption! This includes money that has been promised us and cash that has been given to us (I've adjusted our total goal on adopt together to reflect those cash gifts).

My wife and I will be traveling this week to Chengdu to get our fingerprints done at the U.S. Consulate that is there. Our adoption has been on hold till we turn them in, so it will be nice to have this step finished. Also, our time in Xian went well. We were able to do all that was needed with Lily's paperwork at the orphanage and we had some good times together as a family.

Besides our adoption stuff I (Matt) recently had the opportunity to go to Thailand for a week. My sweet wife really encouraged me to go because it has been so long since I left China. I was able to see friends there and enjoy some fellowship. Unfortunately, my family all got sick as soon as I left and they were sick for the entire week. It was tough being away from them and feeling helpless. I was touched by the love of those around my wife that reached out to her and helped her take care of the kids.

Well. That's it for now. I hope each of you are doing well.

much love,
the petersons


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