December 19, 2009

We're off to Beijing!

You read it right, we’re off to Beijing. About a month ago my wife and I decided that for her birthday and our Christmas present we should go to Beijing for a few days. Our good friends the Faillas also wanted to go to Beijing and so we talked about going together. I loved the idea and since she really didn’t get to celebrate her birthday (because I was really sick) I glad we’re doing it. She didn’t even get signs hung on her birthday and that’s a crime in our home!

So after saving Heather’s birthday money and putting aside our Christmas money we’re going to do it. And actually we’re leaving tonight… on a train. So tonight all of us (four adults and four kids) will ride the train for 12 hours through the night and arrive in Beijing the next day. Ummm, I’m nervous, but excited. We plan to swim in the hotel as much as we can, enjoy some food that we haven’t been able to for a while, shop at IKEA and even hit up some fun unique things. It’s a great way for us to get out of our city for a little bit to get recharged. We’ll keep all of you posted.

I will write about our time when we get back (the morning of December 24th).

Until then,

The Petersons