April 1, 2012

The Worst Kid's Haircut Story Ever!

The other day Heather was resting on the couch, the boys were playing, I was on the computer and the girls were playing with Heather's hair... or so we thought.  I don't remember exactly what the kids told me, but I knew Ellie was looking guilty.

So I made my way towards her only to spot a chunk of hair missing from the front of her head. Here's where the story takes a twist from the millions of others about kids cutting their hair.

"The face of a criminal."

I couldn't find Ellie's hair that she cut off, so I looked in the garbage.  As I opened the garbage can I noticed Ellie's dark hair and … blonde hair… yep, she also cut Heather’s hair without Heather knowing it.  

"The chunk of Heather's hair that I found in the garbage." 

Heather walked over and was in shock at the turn of events.  Truth be told as I looked into the trash can the first thought that came to my mind was “Blog story!” Needless to say Heather wasn’t feeling quite as excited.

We can laugh about it now, but for days that bald spot in the front of her head was a visual reminder of her crimes.  It’s only now that I can type this with forgiveness in my heart.

What's your worst kid's haircut story?

much love,
the petersons

Ni Hao Yall


  1. ohhh my!! But that beautiful face.... ohhh how cute she is! Sorry Heather! :)

    1. She is too cute. It helps her for sure. Thanks Jodi! I hope things are going well with your fundraiser for little Gus! Thanks again for letting us share his story on here. -Matt

  2. "Truth be told as I looked into the trash can the first thought that came to my mind was 'Blog story!'" hahaha

  3. Even with her brand new "hair cut" she is still way to cute!!!! I remember when i cut my hair by myself when i was 4 years old. My mom was not happy with a nice chunk of my bangs missing. Needless to say, i sported that ugly cut as a punishment haha

    1. Yeah we haven' fixed hers yet either, but also because she cut it pretty short. Thanks for stopping by. -Matt

  4. Classic!! hahaha
    I distinctly remember taking scissors to my hair when my mom was grocery shopping and my dad was mowing the lawn. I was supposed to be taking a nap but instead I was hacking away at my bangs. It was terrible! I hid the evidence under my bed...like they wouldn't notice.

    And then there were the home hair cuts my mom gave me every few months for my entire life until about age 18. I was seriously scarred for life. I still have to fight back anxiety tears every time I go to a salon now to get a "real" hair cut because the PTSD I have from my mom's "trims."


    1. Yeah I think Ellie thought she could get away with it also. Good stories and good memories (even if they are a little scary) Thanks Lauren for stopping by and reading our blog! -Matt

  5. Anonymous23.5.12

    The worst child hair cutting story i have heard was family friends had 4 sons and one daughter and the daughter wanted a buzz cut like her brothers, they of course said no. Well one day she talked her older brother into cutting her french braid off! much to their parents' dismay. Her hair was very very very short for a long long time.
