January 22, 2012

Do you need a guest blogger?

I’ve really found that I love writing and lately I’ve been doing more than I normally do. A couple days ago I wrote a guest post for www.imafoster.com (I've only guest blogged one other time, but have really enjoyed it.) There website is focused on foster care and if you have a chance to visit than click here to read my post. Let me know what you think about the article.

Also, if you would like me to guest blog for you, write me an email or post in the comments section.

Much love,
The petersons


  1. You should check on My Crazy Adoption. She always needs guest blogger. Also. We Are Grafted In. They need men bloggers.

  2. Thanks for the heads up! I will check out those sites and see if I can write for them!

  3. I am looking for bloggers to join me at Random Thoughts. http://www.lynsrandomthoughts.com/

    If you would like to join us, I'd love to have you on board. There is nothing you can't blog about at Random Thoughts. Contact me at lynda(dot)schultz(at)ymail(dot)com

    1. Hey Lynda, thank you for the invitation. I will for sure check it out!
